System ćwiczeń aerobowych do zwiększania wskaźnika masy ciała i obwodu talii u studentów z nadwagą i otyłością w wieku 20-22 lata

Djoko Nugroho, M. Furqon Hidayatullah, Muchsin Doewes, Sapta Kunta Purnama, Jezreel Donguila, Fritzie Inayan, Jess Bedro, Edi Setiawan, Joseph Lobo, Zsolt Németh

Djoko Nugroho, M. Furqon Hidayatullah, Muchsin Doewes, Sapta Kunta Purnama, Jezreel Donguila, Fritzie Inayan, Jess Bedro, Edi Setiawan, Joseph Lobo, Zsolt Németh
–The aerobic exercise system for increasing Body Mass Index, waist circumference of overweight and obese students ages 20-22.
Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(5); 227-233


Ćwiczenia aerobowe są powszechnie uznawane za skuteczną interwencję w celu poprawy wskaźnika masy ciała (BMI) i obwodu talii (WC), szczególnie wśród osób klasyfikowanych jako mające nadwagę lub otyłe. Jednakże, szczegółowe poszukiwania badań przeprowadzonych w kontekście wyższego wykształcenia w Indonezji nie wykazały istnienia takich badań. Niniejsze badanie bada wpływ aktywności aerobowych na męskich studentów w wieku 20-22 lat [(N21 LAT = 9(45.00%), N20 LAT = 7 (35.00%), N22 LAT = 4 (20.00%); średnia wieku średnia = 20.85 ± 0.75] z wybranej instytucji szkolnictwa wyższego w kraju. Obecne badanie zastosowało metodologię badawczą eksperymentalną, wykorzystując próbkę męskich studentów z nadwagą lub otyłością. Liczba uczestników została równo podzielona na łącznie 20 osób (N=20). Uczestnicy brali udział w 12-tygodniowym programie fitness aerobowego, składającym się z jednogodzinnej sesji, trzy razy w tygodniu. Niezależny test t dla próbek został użyty do zbadania różnicy w wynikach obu grup w stosunku do ich wartości BMI i WC po teście, podczas gdy sparowany test t został użyty do porównania różnicy w wynikach przed i po teście uczestników na ich BMI i WC. Na podstawie wyników, zauważono wyraźną różnicę w wynikach między dwiema grupami, przy czym studenci otyli wykazali znaczącą poprawę w swoim BMI [t(15.887) = −9.797, p < 0.05]. Z drugiej strony, nie zaobserwowano znaczącej różnicy w wynikach grup pod względem WC [t(16.665) = −0.505, p = 0.620]. Zauważono wyraźną różnicę w wynikach przed i po teście BMI i WC uczestników po zaangażowaniu się w 12-tygodniowy program ćwiczeń aerobowych, zarówno w ogólnym sensie (BMI [t(19) = 14.439, p < 0.05 i WC t(19) = 14.333, p < 0.05) oraz wewnątrz każdej grupy [Nadwaga: BMI t(9) = 14.488, p < .05 i WC t(9) = 15.057, p < 0.05; Otyłość: BMI t(9) = 7.922, p < 0.05 i WC t(9) = 7.746, p < 0.05]. Na podstawie wyników można wywnioskować, że zaangażowanie męskich studentów z nadwagą lub otyłością w starannie zaplanowany program ćwiczeń aerobowych ma potencjał przynoszenia znaczących popraw w ich BMI i WC. To z kolei może prowadzić do zwiększenia wydajności w aktywności fizycznej. Ograniczenia i przyszłe kierunki badań są niniejszym przedstawione.

Słowa kluczowe
ćwiczenia aerobowe, wskaźnik masy ciała, nadwaga, otyłość, obwód talii

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Taufik Rihatno, Kristia Estilo, Edi Setiawan, Jason Agupitan, Vasile Catalin Ciocan, Jasper John De Castro, Lou Margarett Parcon, Mike Jhun Valencia, Kathlyn Sison, Joseph Lobo, Sri Nuraini, Bachtiar


Taufik Rihatno, Kristia Estilo, Edi Setiawan, Jason Agupitan, Vasile Catalin Ciocan, Jasper John De Castro, Lou Margarett Parcon, Mike Jhun Valencia, Kathlyn Sison, Joseph Lobo, Sri Nuraini, Bachtiar – Aerobic and mobility training exercises effectiveness for undergraduate students: an experimental study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(4); 134-139


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Effect of moderate continuous aerobic training versus cryolipolysis on stress hormone and aerobic capacity in central obesity

Samy Kamal Mohamed Elgendy, Zahra Mohamed Hassan Serry, Mervat Gaber Elnany, Rana Hesham Mohamed Elbanna


Samy Kamal Mohamed Elgendy, Zahra Mohamed Hassan Serry, Mervat Gaber Elnany, Rana Hesham Mohamed Elbanna – Effect of moderate continuous aerobic training versus cryolipolysis on stress hormone and aerobic capacity in central obesity. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(4); 32-37


Purpose. This is the first comparative study aimed to find out the effect of moderate continuous aerobic exercise versus the widely popular body reshaping intervention, cryolipolysis, on cortisol (stress hormone), aerobic capacity (VO2max), 6-minute walking test (6MWT) in central-obesity (CO) patients.
Methods. Sixty CO patients (30 men and 30 women) were recruited from El Zawia El Hamra One Day Surgery Egyptian Hospital with a body mass index (BMI) ranged from 35–39.9 kg/m2 to be randomly assigned to the aerobic continuous moderate-intensity exercise group (thirty patients who received 30 minutes of treadmill walking, 3 sessions per week) and cryolipolysis group (thirty patients received on-abdomen one session for 60 minutes weekly). Both groups were ordered to reduce their daily diets to 1500–1800 Kcal/day (the diet was revised by a diet specialist every 14 days to consider the inclusion of fat (20–25%), carbohydrate (high complex, 50–60%), and protein components (25–30%). Anthropometry (weight, BMI, and waist circumference), plasma cortisol, VO2max, and 6MWD were assessed before and after 12-week cryolipolysis and exercise.
Results. A significantly improved difference was extracted using paired tests either within-exercise or with-cryolipolysis groups regarding the patients’ weight, BMI, cortisol, VO2max, and 6MWT. In favor of the exercise group, the post-treatment comparison between exercise and cryolipolysis groups showed a more marked significant statistical difference (p < 0.05) regarding the patients’ weight, BMI, VO2max, and 6MWD. In favor of the cryolipolysis group, post-treatment waist circumference showed a more marked significant decrease when compared to its post-treatment level of the exercise group. Regarding post cortisol levels between exercise and cryolipolysis groups, a non-significant difference was reported.
Conclusion: After the addition of aerobic exercise or cryolipolysis to a 12-week supervised DR plan, both therapeutic interventions can improve central fat deposition, weight, cortisol, VO2max, and 6MWT in CO patients.

aerobic exercise, cryolipolysis, cortisol, aerobic capacity, six minute walk test, central obesity

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Effect of aerobic exercise and ketogenic diet on type II diabetic obese pre-menopausal women

Hala M. Hanafy, Mohamed Hassan Mostafa, Nora M. Ramadan

Hala M. Hanafy, Mohamed Hassan Mostafa, Nora M. Ramadan – Effect of aerobic exercise and ketogenic diet on type II diabetic obese pre-menopausal women. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(1); 160-164

Purpose. To investigate the effect of aerobic exercise and ketogenic diet on type 2 diabetic obese pre-menopausal women.
Methods. Thirty premenopausal obese women diagnosed as having type2 diabetic mellitus. They were selected from outpatient clinic of gynecology in t AL Kasr AL Ainy hospital Cairo University.. Their BMI was between 30 and 35 kg/m2 and their ages ranged from 45 to 48. They were divided into two groups equal in number, the study group (A) was treated by aerobic exercise, ketogenic diet and oral hypoglycemic drugs prescribed by physician, while control group (B) was treated by oral hypoglycemic drugs prescribed by physician. Blood glucose levels were evaluated by fasting blood glucose test and body mass index was evaluated by weight and height scale before and after performing study for 4 weeks.
Results. The obtained results showed a statistically significant decrease in weight, BMI and fasting blood glucose level post treatment in the study group compared with pre treatment (p < 0.001) while there was a significant decrease in fasting blood glucose in the control group post treatment (p < 0.001) and no significant changes in weight and BMI of the control group (p > 0.05). There was significant decrease in fasting blood glucose, weight and BMI of the study group compared with that of the control group (p < 0.001).
Conclusion. Ketogenic diet and Aerobic exercise have a significant effect in decreasing Weight, BMI and Fasting blood glucose level in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus, obese pre-menopausal women.
Key words:
type II diabetes mellitus, ketogenic diet, aerobic exercise, fasting blood glucose level
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Effect of aerobic exercise on functional capacity and interleukin-6 level post allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A randomized controlled trial

Mohamed Rafat Borham, Azza Abdelaziz Abdelhady, Gamaleldin Mohamed Fathy, Emad Mohamed Ibrahim

Mohamed Rafat Borham, Azza Abdelaziz Abdelhady, Gamaleldin Mohamed Fathy, Emad Mohamed Ibrahim – Effect of aerobic exercise on functional capacity and interleukin-6 level post allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A randomized controlled trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(1); 100-107

Background. Transplantation of hemopoietic stem cells has been extensively used as a curative modality to treat blood malignancies and cases of bone marrow failure. Objective. To examine the effect of aerobic exercises on functional capacity and interleukin-6 levels on patients post allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Design. A quasi-experimental, randomized, single-blind design. Setting. Nasser Institute’s out-patient clinic for bone marrow transplant and Belqas central hospital. Methods. Forty women having chronic Graft versus Host Disease post hemopoietic stem cell allotransplant, with an age range of 20 to 30 years and body mass index between 18.5 and 24.9 kg/m2, were randomly designated into two equal groups (n = 20) (A and B). The study group (A) participated in a supervised aerobic exercise program of moderate intensity, with a score of 12-14 on the Borg scale for ‎perceived exertion, together with a specific medication routine, whereas the control group (B) was only given their medication routine. The exercise program consisted of 40 minutes on the stationary bicycle, with a warm-up and a cool-down period of 5 minutes each and 30 minutes as an active phase, 3 times per week for 3 months Both functional capacity, measured by a 6-minute walk test (6 MWT), and interleukin-6 blood level were assessed before starting the aerobic training and medical routine and after 3 months of the intervention. Results. The analysis showed a significant increase (P < .001) in the distance walked and assessed by 6 MWT in the group (A) compared to the control group (B), while there is a decrease in interleukin- 6 levels in the group (A) than in the group (B) without a statistical significance (P = 0.52). Conclusion: Aerobic training can be beneficial in increasing functional capacity.
Key words:
stem cell transplantation, graft vs host disease, aerobic exercise, interleukin-6, six-minute walk test
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Effect of aerobic versus resisted exercise on blood coagulation in chronic kidney disease patient

Walaa Mohammed Mohammed Mohammed, Ehab Fawzy Abd EL Aziz, Heba Ali Abd ELgafar

Walaa Mohammed Mohammed Mohammed, Ehab Fawzy Abd EL Aziz, Heba Ali Abd ELgafar – Effect of aerobic versus resisted exercise on blood coagulation in chronic kidney disease patient. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(5); 196-202

Purpose. To compare the effects of aerobic and resistive activity on blood coagulation in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Methods. Randomized controlled trial. Sixty male patients with CKD (stages 2 & 3) participated in study; their age ranged from 40 to 50 years old. They were randomly assigned into equal two groups (A & B). Group A received aerobic exercise for 16 weeks (n = 30), while group B received resisted exercise for 16 weeks (n = 30). Pre- and post-treatment measurements included body weight, blood coagulation parameters (platelet count and fibrinogen concentration) and 6- minute walk test (6 MWT). Results. There were significant improvements in weight, blood coagulation parameters and 6 MWT within both groups (p < 0.05), while there were no significant differences (p > 0.05) between the two groups after treatment. Conclusion. Aerobic and resisted conditioning exercises both increase blood coagulation parameters and efficiency in CKD patients. Following therapy, there was little disparity between the two classes.
Key words:
chronic kidney disease, aerobic exercise, resisted exercise, blood coagulation
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Effect of aerobic exercise on inflammation and sex hormones in obese polycystic ovarian syndrome women: A randomized controlled study

Doaa A. Abd El Aziz, Fahima M. Oqeel, Magid M. Labib, Amel M. Yousef

Doaa A. Abd El Aziz, Fahima M. Oqeel, Magid M. Labib, Amel M. Yousef – Effect of aerobic exercise on inflammation and sex hormones in obese polycystic ovarian syndrome women: A randomized controlled study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(4); 204-209

Purpose. This study aimed to investigate the effect of aerobic exercise on inflammation and female sex hormones in obese PCOS women. Materials and methods. Forty volunteer obese PCOS women were participated in this study, their ages ranged from 20 to 35 years and body mass index (BMI) ranged from 30 to 34.9 kg/m2, they randomly divided into two equal groups in numbers; group A, followed diet control therapy and group B, participated in an aerobic exercise three times per week and followed the same diet control therapy as group A. Both groups were evaluated before and after therapy (12weeks) through measuring their BMI, C-reactive protein (CRP), luteinizing hormone (LH), follicular stimulating hormone (FSH), LH/FSH ratio and modified Ferryman–Gallwey (mFG) scoring system for hirsutism Results. showed that there was a statistically significant difference (P < 0.05) in both groups (A&B) in BMI, LH, FSH, LH/FSH ratio, CRP and mFG in favor to group (B) after therapy (12 weeks). Conclusions. revealed that aerobic exercises are effective in decreasing weight and inflammation which lead to improve fertility by improving female sex hormonal variables.
Key words:
Polycystic ovarian syndrome, Aerobic exercise, Follicular stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, C-reactive protein
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Effect of ketogenic diet and aerobic exercise on glucose level in prediabetes female with normal weight: A randomized controlled trial

Mona Mohamed Abdelkhalek, Hend Reda Sakr, Hanaa Mohsen Abd -Elfattah, Fairouz Hatem Ameen

Mona Mohamed Abdelkhalek, Hend Reda Sakr, Hanaa Mohsen Abd -Elfattah, Fairouz Hatem Ameen – Effect of ketogenic diet and aerobic exercise on glucose level in prediabetes female with normal weight: A randomized controlled trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(3); 206-211

Objectives. It is well known that Individuals with prediabetes have a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This study aimed to compare the effect of combination of ketogenic diet and aerobic exercise interventions versus ketogenic diet alone on the glucose level in prediabetes female with normal weight. Methods. A total of sixty volunteer prediabetes females with normal body mass index (BMI) from 20-25 kg/m2 their age ranged from 40-60 years old, randomly divided into two equal groups and were recruited for a three-month trial. Group (I) (n = 30) treated by continuous aerobic exercise in form of treadmill 5 sessions per week and ketogenic diet. Group (II) (n = 30) treated by ketogenic diet alone. The primary outcome was the fasting plasma glucose and glycated hemoglobin while the secondary outcome was   body mass index and waist circumference. The outcome measures were measured before and after intervention for both groups. Results. Comparing both groups post-treatment revealed that there was significant improvement in fasting plasma glucose and glycated hemoglobin in favor of Group (I). Conclusion. combined continuous aerobic exercise and ketogenic diet improve glucose level in prediabetes female through decrease fasting plasma glucose and glycated hemoglobin.
Key words:
Prediabetes, Ketogenic diet, Aerobic exercise, Fasting plasma glucose, Glycated hemoglobin
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The Effect of Aerobic Versus Interval Resistive Exercises on Blood Coagulation in Type 2 Diabetic Patients

Waleed Elsayed Hussein Ahmed Arafat, Nagwa Mohammed Badr, Emad Mohamed Ibrahim, Mahmoud Abdou Ashour

Waleed Elsayed Hussein Ahmed Arafat, Nagwa Mohammed Badr, Emad Mohamed Ibrahim, Mahmoud Abdou Ashour – The Effect of Aerobic Versus Interval Resistive Exercises on Blood Coagulation in Type 2 Diabetic Patients. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(1); 20-24

Purpose. To investigate the effect of aerobic exercise versus interval resistive exercise on blood coagulation in type 2 diabetic patients.
Methods. Randomized controlled trial. Sixty type 2 diabetic patients, aged from 45 to 65 years old, were randomly divided into two equal groups. Group (A) received a low caloric diet plus aerobic exercise for 12 weeks, while group (B) received the same low caloric diet plus interval resistive exercise for 12 weeks. All participants in both groups were evaluated, for glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and fibrinogen levels, pre and post treatment.
Results. Comparing both groups post treatment revealed statistically significant reductions in HbA1c and fibrinogen levels (p < 0.05) in favour of group (B).
Conclusion. Interval resistive exercise is more effective than aerobic exercise in improving HbA1c and fibrinogen levels in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Key words:
aerobic exercise, interval resistive exercise, blood coagulation, type 2 diabetes

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Impact of Aerobic Exercise on Visceral Adiposity Index in Pre-Diabetic Obese Men: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Magdy Mostafa Ahmed, Essam Qotb Abd allatif, Mohammed Naeem Mohamed, Ehab Kamal Zayed

Magdy Mostafa Ahmed, Essam Qotb Abd allatif, Mohammed Naeem Mohamed, Ehab Kamal Zayed – Impact of Aerobic Exercise on Visceral Adiposity Index in Pre-Diabetic Obese Men: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(3); 32-35

Purpose. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of aerobic exercise program on visceral adiposity index (VAI) in pre-diabetic obese men. Materials and methods. This study was conducted on 50 obese men (body mass index (BMI) between 30 and 34.9 kg/m²), pre-diabetic (fasting blood sugar (FBS) from 100 to 125 mg/dl) with an age ranged from 40 to 55 years. They were randomly assigned to two groups. Group (A) received only low caloric diet for 14 weeks (n = 25), while group (B) received low caloric diet plus aerobic exercise program for 14 weeks (n = 25). The outcome measures, including anthropometric measures, FBS, lipid profile and VAI, were measured pre- and post-treatment for all patients in both groups. Results. Statistical analysis using pre and post treatment design indicated that there was a significant decrease in anthropometric measurements (weight, BMI, and WC), (p < 0.05), a significant improvement of lipid profile (TG,TC, and LDLc), (p < 0.05) and significant decrease in VAI in both groups with favorite in group B. Comparing both groups post-treatment showed that there were statistically non-significant differences regarding anthropometric measures, FBS and lipid profile (p > 0.05), while there was a statistically significant reduction in VAI (p < 0.05) in favor of group (B). Conclusions. Low caloric diet plus aerobic exercise yield reduction in VAI in pre-diabetic obese men more than low caloric diet alone.

Key words:
Low caloric diet, Aerobic exercise, Visceral adiposity index, Obesity, Pre-diabetic men

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