
Oliwia Karpińska, Robert Irzmański, Małgorzata Kilon

Oliwia Karpińska, Robert Irzmański, Małgorzata Kilon – Assessment of factors influencing the effectiveness of sensory integration therapy in preschool and early school-aged children –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(1); 160-166

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG2EF8xlA

材料与方法。研究涉及49名3至10岁被诊断为SPD的儿童。该研究在罗兹的“Plastuś”感觉统合诊所进行。研究工具包括定制问卷和根据Z. Przyrowski的感觉-运动问卷。
感觉处理障碍,感觉统合疗法,根据Z. Przyrowski的感觉-运动问卷
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The impact of central stabilization exercises and classical massage on the quality of life of people suffering from cervical spine pain

Agnieszka Leszczyńska, Ada Sitek, Agnieszka Przedborska, Marcin Świątczak, Małgorzata Kilon, Katarzyna Glibov

Agnieszka Leszczyńska, Ada Sitek, Agnieszka Przedborska, Marcin Świątczak, Małgorzata Kilon, Katarzyna Glibov – The impact of central stabilization exercises and classical massage on the quality of life of people suffering from cervical spine pain. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(1); 178-185

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG07B3FB

Introduction. Pain in the cervical spine affects about 22-70% of the population and the incidence of pain increases with age. Out of different types of therapies, most patients prefer a massage aimed at normalizing muscle tension and reducing pain. However, a comprehensive approach to a patient according to the Kinetic Control concept allows for the assessment of uncontrolled motion and enables the analysis of motion and its function. The assessment of motor errors as well as the re-education of muscle function is an important element in improving the range of motion and reducing pain in the cervical part of the spine.
Aim. Assessment of the impact of classical massage and central stabilization exercises on the quality of life of people with cervical spine pain.
Material and methods. The study covered 40 people (62,5% women, 37,5% men) aged 20 – 70 year who suffered from pain in the cervical spine. Two groups of 20 were formed. Group I was subjected to a series of classical massage, Group II performed exercises of central stabilization. The impact of both therapies was assessed by means of: the author’s own survey, the VAS scale, the NDI-PL form, and the measurement of the range of motion in the cervical spine. Quality of life was assessed using a 100-degree scale.
Results. VAS and NDI scores in both groups are significantly lower after treatment (p < 0,01), but it cannot be concluded that one form of therapy has had a better effect. The range of spine motion which was evaluated in the cervical segment significantly increased (p < 0,01) in both groups. It was noted that in terms of extension, central stabilization exercises proved to be more effective – the scope of extension increased on average by 1,3 units after exercises, whereas after massages only by 0,7 units (p = 0,045). Both therapies demonstrated effectiveness in the domain of general health (p = 0,54) – both massages and exercises (p = 0,01) brought patients a significant improvement.
Conclusions. Both therapies are effective in fighting cervical spine pain, however, better results were obtained in the group performing central stabilization exercises. The quality of life increased significantly in both groups of patients.
Key words:
Kinetic Control, Pressure Bio-Feedback Stabilizer, VAS and NDI scale
Słowa kluczowe:
Kinetic Control, Pressure Bio-Feedback Stabilizer, skala VAS i NDI
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Comparative analysis of the functional status of women with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee joint

Małgorzata Kilon, Agnieszka Przedborska, Joanna Kostka, Jan W. Raczkowski

Małgorzata Kilon, Agnieszka Przedborska, Joanna Kostka, Jan W. Raczkowski – Comparative analysis of the functional status of women with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee joint. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(3); 134-142

Objective. The objective of the study was to compare the level of functional efficiency and factors influencing it in women after the age of 50 with advanced osteoarthritis of the hip (coxarthrosis) or knee (gonarthrosis) joint.
Material and methods. The study included 70 women aged 50–90 years with coxarthrosis (n = 35) or gonarthrosis (n = 35), stage 3 according to the Kellegren-Lawrence scale.
The functional status was assessed based on the Tinetti test and the Two-scales test. The Likert scale rated pain, stiffness, and the difficulty of getting up and putting on socks. The quality of life was assessed using a 100-point scale.
Results. Women with coxarthrosis achieved worse results in the Tinetti test in the part concerning gait (p < 0.01) and balance (p < 0.05). Pain and stiffness determined the results of most tests. Patients with gonarthrosis had greater problems with walking on flat surfaces and with getting up from a chair (p < 0.001). Pain determined difficulties when walking and putting on socks, and stiffness influenced difficulties in walking, standing up, putting on socks, and the results of the Tinetti test.
1. Stiffness and pain deteriorate functional efficiency in women with coxarthrosis and gonarthrosis.
2. Greater problems with gait and balance occur in women with coxarthrosis, while women with gonarthrosis have greater difficulties with walking on flat surfaces and getting up from a chair.
Key words:
osteoarthritis, hip joints, knee joints, functional efficiency, Tinetti test
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Agnieszka Przedborska, Małgorzata Kilon, Agnieszka Leszczyńska, Małgorzata Misztal, Jan W. Raczkowski

A. Przedborska, M. Kilon, A. Leszczyńska, M. Misztal, J. W. Raczkowski – Assessment of the effectiveness of deep electromagnetic stimulation in the treatment of low back pain depending on the area of application. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(2); 148-156

结果。观察到两组均在以VAS量表为基础的脊椎疼痛上显著降低 – Me(IQR)为:研究组在治疗前5 (4-7)及治疗后2 (1-3),而对等组在治疗前6 (4-7)及治疗后3 (2-4)。移动和日常活动能力也获得显著改善,然而获得的治疗效果不持久,研究组中半数患者的镇痛效果最多维持2个月(IQR: 1-4),对等组则最多4个月(IQR: 2-6)。
结论。无论应用的部位为何,深度电磁刺激可减轻患腰椎骶骨综合症女性的疼痛并改善其步态功能和自理能力。2. 对腰椎骶骨周围施以治疗将使镇痛时间持续较久。


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Małgorzata Kilon, Agnieszka Przedborska, Joanna Kostka, Agnieszka Leszczyńska, Jan W. Raczkowski

M. Kilon, A. Przedborska, J. Kostka, A. Leszczyńska, J. W. Raczkowski – Factors influencing functional performance of patients after hip joint arthroplasty. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(2); 122-128

平衡和步态功能评估由下列测试进行:Tinetti、起立测试(Timed Up and Go, TUG)及以两种量表为基础计算的对称性指数(WS)。在平坦表面和楼梯行走时的疼痛感度及僵硬程度以李克特量表评估。进行简单和复杂日常活动能力评估时使用ADL Katz(Activities of Daily Living)和IADL Lawton(Instrumental Activities of Daily Living)量表,并以数值标示方式进行自我生活质量评估,此外也计算体重指数(BMI)。
材料和方法。共50名29至88岁间(平均年龄66.7 + 13岁)有单侧髋关节假体的患者(其中33名女性、17名男性)参与研究。


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Małgorzata Kilon, Martyna Ruszkiewicz, Jan W. Raczkowski

M. Kilon, M. Ruszkiewicz, J. W. Raczkowski – Evaluation of functional status of children with cerebral palsy using selected scales and tests. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(4); 86-93




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Agnieszka Przedborska, Małgorzata Kilon, Małgorzata Misztal, Jan W. Raczkowski

Agnieszka Przedborska, Małgorzata Kilon, Małgorzata Misztal, Jan W. Raczkowski – The effect of deep electromagnetic stimulation of pelvic floor muscles on low back pain in female patients with stress urinary incontinence. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(3); 46-54

结果。治疗后可发现以VAS – Me(IQR) 量表为基础的脊柱疼痛严重程度在统计上显著减少,治疗前为5(4-7),治疗后为3(1-4),其移动能力及日常活力在统计上也有显著改善。尿失禁发生的频率在统计上显著减少且尿量也减少。所获得的疗效不具持久性,半数女性患者在止痛效果和尿失禁症状改善上只持续最多两个月(腰骶部疼痛的IQR:1-3个月,尿失禁症状的IQR:1-2个月)。
结论。1. 骨盆底肌肉的深层电磁刺激对腰椎骶椎部疼痛的缓和及压迫性尿失禁症状减少具有影响。2. 改善效果并不持久。


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