
Szymon Tyszkiewicz, Marcin Kozakiewicz, Marta Tyndorf, Dorota Kościelniak

S. Tyszkiewicz, M. Kozakiewicz, M. Tyndorf, D. Kościelniak – Evaluation of the effectiveness of manual techniques and dynamic taping in the reduction of postoperative complications after surgical treatment of orthognathic defects. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(3); 146-157




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手法治療對常規治療膝關節慢性退行性關節病的影響 – 前瞻性對比研究

A D Gopalswami, S.Senthil Kumar, S. Venkatesan

A D Gopalswami, S.Senthil Kumar, S. Venkatesan – Effect of Manual therapy over conventional treatment among chronic degenerative joint disease of the knee – A Prospective Comparative study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(3); 82-90

背景。膝關節退行性關節病(DJD)是一種肌肉骨骼疾病,影響印度約22%至39%的人口。 DJD患者的身體損傷對臨床醫生提出了重大挑戰,以便管理和恢​​復他們的功能。通過常規物理療法和鍛煉對疾病進行了良好的管理。這種物理療法的潛在益處持續了短期。
材料與方法。在Kellgren和Lawrence量表中,100名被診斷患有脛股關節退變且2級或3級的患者被分配到實驗組(EG)和比較組(CG)。 EG已經接受了關節動員,MET,強化鍛煉和患者教育等形式的手法治療,而CG已經接受了轉診治療計劃(干預治療)以及為期兩週的強化鍛煉和患者教育。
結果。對疼痛(VAS),膝關節運動範圍(ROM),肌肉力量和股四頭肌和H繩肌的等長肌力進行了結果變量的分析。基於變量的類型使用統計測試的選擇(Wilcoxon符號秩檢驗和Mann Whitney U檢驗)。



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Application of manual therapy in the elimination of myogenic pain in stomatognathic system disorders

Magdalena Gębska, Danuta Lietz-Kijak, Krystyna Opalko,
Ewelina Żyżniewska-Banaszak, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Marek Kiljański

M. Gębska, D. Lietz-Kijak, K. Opalko, E. Żyżniewska-Banaszak, Z. Śliwiński, M. Kiljański – Application of manual therapy in the elimination of myogenic pain in stomatognathic system disorders. FP 2015; 15(2); 60-67


Introduction. In last years there has been considerable development of physiotherapy methods used in dentistry. Among them is the manual therapy as a_form of treatment of functional disorders of the stomatognathic system muscular origin. This method is still very popular among dentists. This is because a_small number of literature, and a_small amount of physiotherapists involved in manual therapy in order to eliminate the symptom of pain.
Aim of the study. determined the effect of relaxing and analgesic masseter muscles under the influence of the use of manual therapy.
Material and methods. study was performed in 20 females, aged from 40 to 45  pain diagnosed as a_disorder of the stomatognathic system. In patients conducted physical examination and clinical examination, electromyographic study of masseter muscles and pain assessment using the VAS scale. Then, the test group received manual therapy treatments.
Results. After completion of therapy and analysis of the results showed a_decrease in the electrical potentials studied muscle and decrease of the VAS scale

Key words:
stomatognathic system, manual therapy, electromyography, pain, VAS scale

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Block coincidence of sacroiliac joints in lateral curvature of the spine as well as the effect of the therapy on the size of scoliosis

Daniel Olędzki, Tomasz Sajko, Andrzej Sadowski, Marek Kiljański

D. Olędzki, T. Sajko, A. Sadowski, M. Kiljański – Block coincidence of sacroiliac joints in lateral curvature of the spine as well as the effect of the therapy on the size of scoliosis. FP 2015; 15(2); 22-38


In the presentation the authors try to estimate dependencies between lateral curvature of the spine occurrence and the dysfunction of sacroiliac joints as blocks. It was pointed out that scoliosis as a phenomenon can be widely observed in a human body.  The position itself as well as the course of the delivery may lead to different types of muscle tone disorders and positional asymmetry in effect of fascia continuity damaging of the neonate during the delivery or perinatal period.
It may be assumed that the pathology of embryonic development and later in neonatal period can be the origin of the spine statics disorder, and consequently cause overloads of sacroiliac joints manifested in blocks. The secondary effect of the dysfunction of sacroiliac joints may be an asymmetric arrangement of hip bones, and this could lead to asymmetric position of the sacrum and compensatory scoliosis (the term coined by the authors).
Authors underline the important role of the dysfunction of the sacroiliac joint – the strongest proprioreceptor in the joint system – in causing other joints to disfunction, even those which are distant to the pelvis as well as causing muscle tone disorders.
The authors described the following phenomena:
1) how occurrence of sacroiliac joints blocks correlate with the asymmetry of the pelvis position,
2) the relation of lateral curvature of the spine size with the rotation of the spine with a sacroiliac joint block.
In the group of tested children with the scoliosis of a little degree (up to 5 degrees of the rotation) it was noticed that there was a high percentage of the sacroiliac joint dysfunction going with the asymmetric pelvis position. After the therapy of sacroiliac joints blocks there was a statistically substantial improvement in the position of the pelvis as well as the decrease in the scoliosis degree (with connected to it vertebra rotation) was observed.

Key words:
sacroiliac joint, manual therapy, scoliosis, block

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Evaluation of the therapeutic effects in the patients with the glenohumeral joint dysfunction treated according to Brian Mulligan concept and with the pectoral girdle muscle tapping as well as circumarticular injections

Mateusz Curyło, Katarzyna Cienkosz, Jan W. Sosnowski, Andrzej Szczygieł, Irena Szczepańska, Piotr Wróbel, Magdalena Wilk-Frańczuk,  Jan W. Raczkowski

M. Curyło, K. Cienkosz, J. W. Sosnowski, A. Szczygieł, I. Szczepańska, P. Wróbel, M. Wilk-Frańczuk,  J. W. Raczkowski – Evaluation of the therapeutic effects in the patients with the glenohumeral joint dysfunction treated according to Brian Mulligan concept and with the pectoral girdle muscle tapping as well as circumarticular injections. FP 2017; 17(1); 116-124

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG075474


Introduction. Sedentary lifestyle connected with the civilizational development and the work in sitting position cause glenohumeral joints dysfunction, most often in the form of overload-pain ailments.
Purpose of this study. The purpose of this study was to compare the physiotherapeutic effects with the application of mobilization with motion according to Brian Mulligan and the pectoral girdle muscle tapping, and the used circumarticular injections.
Material and Methods. The research included 27 patients. The first group (16 persons) was treated with the circumarticular injections of medicines of the corticosteroids group. In the second group (11 persons) the manual therapy according to Brian Mulligan’s concept and the muscle tapping were used. The examinations were performed before the therapy and after three weeks. The used measurements included the shoulder pain and disability index SPADI, provocative tests HIN, HIB, POP, Job, “painful arc” (70°-120°), “belly–press”, goniometric measurement and the subjective pain feeling at the night time. In order to check if the used therapy type had any effect on the upper limb function improvement, the statistical analysis was made in the variance with a_mixed scheme, where the inter-group factor was the type of therapy, and the intra-group factor was the measurement moment: before and after completion of the therapy. Data were processed using Microsoft Excel and Statistica software.
Results. The applied therapy methods influenced improvement of the glenohumeral joint movement range in both groups. The group 2 had better results in reduction of periodic pain ailments and sleep disturbances.
Conclusions. Both used therapeutic programs improves functioning and reduce pain ailments in the investigated group, however the use of 2 therapeutic techniques in the group 2, according to Mulligan’s concept and the muscle tapping, brought significantly greater improvement in the clinical condition evaluation and in the patients’ subjective assessment.

Key words:
painful shoulder syndrome, manual therapy, physiotherapy

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Physiotherapy of scar in the light of the current reports about fascia

Agnieszka Sobierajska-Rek

A. Sobierajska-Rek – Physiotherapy of scar in the light of the current reports about fascia. FP 2017; 17(1); 64-71


In view of the serious complications of healing process within certain parts of the body (visceral adhesions, adhesions within the chest disrupting respiratory patterns, entrapment of nerves in scar tissue) it seems necessary to introduce prevention and treatment of adhesions after any surgical procedures.

The aim of this study is to present the mechanisms, which accompany the formation of scar, on the basis of the current reports on fascia, and to show the possibility of therapeutic treatment of linear scars, on the basis of our own clinical experience.

When examining dysfunctions accompanying the healing process of soft tissues, three basic disorders may be defined: keloid scar, hypertrophic scar and tissue adhesion.

It has been established, that using the manual mobilization techniques on a scar, tissue mobility may be improved, pain sensation decreased and better functioning of internal organs achieved. In order to obtain optimal therapeutic results, it is essential to introduce a comprehensive scar treatment. The manual mobilization leads to certain reactions of tissue at the level of hyaluronic acid restructuring, breaking the adhesion or preventing its creation and relaxation caused by stress.

Key words:
scar, fascia, manual therapy

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Evaluation of the manual therapy effect on hand functional efficiency in the patients with systemic sclerosis – case description

Mateusz W. Romanowski, Maja Špiritović, Agata Zdanowska, Anna Kwaśniewska

M. W. Romanowski, M. Špiritović, A. Zdanowska, A. Kwaśniewska – Evaluation of the manual therapy effect on hand functional efficiency in the patients with systemic sclerosis – case description. FP 2016;16(4);14-23


The systemic sclerosis is chronic systemic disease of connective tissue that is characterized by damage of blood vessels, presence of autoantibodies and progressing skin and internal organs fibrination, leading to their failure. The loss of mobility in hand and wrist joints, which often affects patients with the systemic sclerosis, significantly worsens their life quality.
Non-pharmacological treatment of the systemic sclerosis includes: physiotherapy, education, new therapeutic methods. Individually selected therapy counteracts and diminishes dysfunctions in the joints area, soft tissues and skin, and may improve efficiency of internal organs.
Manual therapy perfectly complements comprehensive in this group of patients, by influencing the following receptors: of Golgie, Ruffini, Pacini and interstitial. The manual therapy techniques directed to the skin, fascia, muscles, joints, improve hand efficiency and decrease pain in patients with systemic sclerosis.
Application of manual techniques (skin rolling, deep massage of superficial fascia and muscles responsible for straightening the wrist joint, postisometric muscle relaxation, mobilization in ridge direction in rediocarpal joint, side-to-side mobilization in finger joints) performed in the study improved hand functional efficiency in all tested parameters (Cochin Hand Scale, Hand Mobility in Scleroderma, finger-to-palm-distance).


systemic slerosis, manual therapy, soft tissue therapy, physiotherapy

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Phenomenon of the dominant and latent blocks of the sacroiliac joint in lateral curvature of the spine – problems related to the pelvis therapy

Daniel Olędzki, Andrzej Sadowski, Tomasz Sajko, Marek Kiljański

D. Olędzki, A. Sadowski, T. Sajko, M. Kiljański: Phenomenon of the dominant and latent blocks of the sacroiliac joint in lateral curvature of the spine – problems related to the pelvis therapy. Fizjoterapia Polska 2015;15(3);12-22


The deviation of the spine from the long vertical line of the body can be detected from the early years of a child. The deviation is closely related to the position of the pelvic bones to each other and sacroiliac joints, especially their disfunction, play an important part in this process.
Even a slight shift of the sacrum relative to a hip bone causes the change in the spatial arrangement of the pelvis complex, spine segments located above as well as the hip bones. Early intervention by early diagnosis of the disfunction in little children gives us a chance to correct efficiently the pelvis relative to the spine at the level of so-called “compensatory scoliosis” when the problem lies only in the asymetric arrangement of the pelvis that affect the spatial arrangement of the vertebrae and is totally reversable.
The research team confirmed the fact of occurring “the dominant phenomenon and latent blocks of sacroiliac joints”. Its existance has been proven in 50% of subjects.
The examination and therapy of joints is relatively difficult taking into consideration the phenomenon described in this work. In case of a therapy of only one joint, no intended results can be expected in every second case.
There should be at least two manual examinations to assess the condition of both sacroiliac joints and comparing them with the primal examination. The rule of the manual therapy and examination before and after the therapy is applied in such a case.

Key words:
sacroiliac joint, manual therapy, scoliosis, block

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