
Mohanad M. Madboly, Khaled A. Olama, Hamada E. Ayoub, Doha H. Al-Afify, Doaa Saeed, Walaa A. Abd El-Nabie

Mohanad M. Madboly, Khaled A. Olama, Hamada E. Ayoub, Doha H. Al-Afify, Doaa Saeed, Walaa A. Abd El-Nabie – Virtual reality versus balance beam on walking performance in children with spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy: A randomized controlled comparative trial –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(1); 222-228

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG2EF8E30

背景。虚拟现实和平衡木被广泛认为是改善患有偏瘫型脑性瘫痪(CP)儿童的平衡和行走表现的高效方法。目的。本研究旨在比较虚拟现实与平衡木对偏瘫型脑瘫儿童行走表现(平衡和功能性行走能力)的影响。对象和方法。本研究纳入了75名偏瘫型脑瘫儿童,包括31名男孩和44名女孩,年龄在7至11岁之间,包括两性。参与者随机分配到三组(每组25人),A组(对照组)和B、C组(研究组)。所有儿童都接受了基于神经发育技术的设计性物理治疗程序,此外,对照组A接受平衡和步态训练练习,B组接受虚拟现实训练,C组接受平衡木训练。治疗计划每周三次,连续三个月,每次持续一小时。所有儿童在治疗前后进行临床检查,使用HUMAC平衡和倾斜系统以及6分钟步行测试(6mWT)来分别评估平衡和行走功能能力。结果。与治疗前相比,三组在平衡和6MWT方面的表现在治疗后有显著提高(p < 0.001)。此外,与A组相比,B组和C组的测量变量显示出显著的改善(p < 0.01),而B组与C组之间无显著差异(p > 0.05)。结论。虚拟现实和平衡木训练对改善平衡和行走表现有有效影响。
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Training with virtual reality and its impact on the heart and the ability to use in physiotherapy

Paula Migała, Mariusz Migała, Beata Skolik

P. Migała, M. Migała, B. Skolik – Training with virtual reality and its impact on the heart and the ability to use in physiotherapy. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(1); 6-14

Admission. The term “virtual reality” means an environment created by an electronic device that consumes the user. The relationship between the virtual object and the person is triggered. The most important phenomenon that affects the human psyche is immersion, or the ability to create a sense of presence in a place generated by a computer.
Goal. Evaluation of the impact of training using non-emulsion and immersion projection with training on a stationary cyclometer on heart action, i.e. heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure and saturation. Comparison of the impact of training with occurring phenomenon of absorption and without on the previously mentioned factors, evaluation of the effects of training with the use of virtual reality and the possibility of using the training with VR in physiotherapy.
Material and methodology of testes. The study group of 20 people (20-35 years). Three trainings were conducted each time. The first training (A) was carried out on a stationary cycloergometer (constant load 50 WAT). Second training (B) under the same conditions, but additionally with the use of virtual reality goggles and immersion projection. The third training (C) also under the same conditions, but a non-oven projection was used on the laptop screen. RR measurements were taken every 3 minutes and HR and SpO2 every 1 minute.
Results. The mean value of the training pulse in training A was 94,7 BPM, in training B 96,5 BPM, and in training C 97,2 BPM (p < 0.99). Average values of saturation in training A 96,46%, training B 96,22%, training C 96,61% (p < 0.19). In the pressure changes, mean values during training A RR 123,21/79,6 mmHg, training B RR 127,64/79,1 mmHg, training C RR 123,54/75,1 mmHg. RR p < 3.04, p < 2.4. Despite the lack of relevance, a trend was noticed.
Conclusions. Studies have shown no significant differences in the comparison of the effects of training using different stimuli on direct stimulation of heart rate and saturation. A greater impact on the initial heart rate ceiling in training using virtual reality goggles compared to controlled training on a stationary cycloergometer and with non-immersive projection has been proven. No major impact of one-time training with the use of virtual reality goggles on the persistence of effects immediately after training has been proven. It was found possible to use this type of training in physiotherapy to increase patient involvement in performing a physical task, make training more attractive, and improve patients’ well-being.

Key words:
virtual reality, immersion, stationary cycloergometr, virtual training, heart rate, arterial pressure, saturation

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The impact of technology-based therapy on activity level and endurance of children with cerebral palsy

Emilia Wysoczańska, Anna Skrzek

E. Wysoczańska, A. Skrzek – The impact of technology-based therapy on activity level and endurance of children with cerebral palsy. FP 2017; 17(2); 100-111


Objectives. This study aims to evaluate the impact of therapies using external motion controllers, such as Kinect (i.e. virtual reality therapies) on functional fitness of children with cerebral palsy on the example of three selected therapeutic modules: Raft, Oarsman, and Gym.
Methods and materials. Fourteen children aged 8-12 years and diagnosed with cerebral palsy (CP) were invited to participate in the study. The children have undergone traditional rehabilitation therapy. Additionally, they have also been treated with virtual reality therapy for two months, as a form of supporting treatment (three tests were conducted at that time). Two months after the therapy a fourth control test was conducted.
Results and conclusion. Analysis of activity level has demonstrated that the therapy period has yielded positive results, while the two-month break has caused a decrease in the therapeutic results in comparison to the last test. Endurance evaluation conducted in the therapy period has not produced a significant result, but this might be remedied by a prolonged exposure to the given therapeutic modules. In the Raft and Gym modules, which have been designed to improve attention, activity level decreases in the course of the therapy. This is an indication that, over time, patients pay increasingly more attention to the exercises, focusing on movement precision. In the Oarsman module, in which patients practice movement that prioritizes speed, activity level increases between the first and the fourth test, along with the patients’ training intensity

Key words:
rehabilitation therapy, virtual reality, SeeMe program

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