
Ari Iswanto, Siswantoyo, Fathan Nurcahyo, Muhammad Wahyu Arga, Susanto

Ari Iswanto, Siswantoyo, Fathan Nurcahyo, Muhammad Wahyu Arga, Susanto – The effect of traditional sports on improving the physical fitness of elementary school students –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(1); 235-243

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG2EF80Yj

引言。人力资源通常旨在培养坚韧、熟练、能干、积极和生产力的人,使他们有能力开展社会各种活动。目的。本研究旨在:(1)了解传统体育对提高小学生体能的影响程度;以及(2)了解哪种传统体育训练频率对提高体能更有效。方法。本研究为准实验研究。数据收集技术采用测试。使用的工具是针对10-12岁儿童的印尼体能鲜活测试(TKJI),以了解儿童早期体能的提升。研究对象为康东卡图亚加达SD Muhammadiyah五年级的所有学生,共160名。采样技术为简单随机抽样,本研究样本为48名学生,分为3组,即治疗组A,治疗组B和对照组。每组有16名学生,包括8名男生和8名女生。本研究的数据分析技术使用ANOVA测试,初步的前提测试为正态性测试和同质性测试,然后通过同时比较分析的结果和平均差异的Scheffe测试结果,来看每个治疗组的差异。结果。研究结果从三组的体能平均水平结果来看,存在显著差异。基于Scheffe测试的结果显示,最佳体能水平出现在治疗组A或每周4次进行传统体育锻炼的组。与未经增强的对照组相比,治疗组B有显著提高。结论。从本研究可以得出结论,传统体育可以有效提高小学生的体能。相比于每周3次的锻炼频率,每周4次的锻炼频率对提高体能更为有效。
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Ari Iswanto, Siswantoyo, Panggung Sutapa, Muhammad Wahyu Arga, Ratna Budiarti, Susanto

Ari Iswanto, Siswantoyo, Panggung Sutapa, Muhammad Wahyu Arga, Ratna Budiarti, Susanto – Analysis of difficulties learning artistic gymnastical movements in elementary students. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(3); 198-202


引言。 教育中的体育活动应根据学生的特性进行调整,使他们能够发挥潜能而不面临挑战。小学教育方法从根本上不同于更高教育水平。小学教育优先考虑参与性强且直接的学习经验。 目标。 本研究旨在识别小学阶段学习艺术体操时所面临的挑战。 方法。 本研究采用描述性研究方法,旨在收集关于特定现象的详尽信息。在此背景下,正在研究的现象是小学生学习艺术体操动作的经验。数据收集采用问卷进行。研究样本包括来自Sleman Regency的80名小学生。 结果。 分析表明,小学学习艺术体操的困难可以归类为三个主要元素:与学生相关,与教师相关和与基础设施相关。在80名学生中:60名报告没有个人困难,45名表示难以理解教师的指示,55名表示在基础设施的可用性上没有问题。从这些发现可以明显看出,与教师相关的因素对学生的学习挑战产生了重大影响。 结论。 分析表明,在所确定的三个要素中,与教师相关的方面需要最多的关注,主要是因为学生通常发现很难理解执行艺术体操活动的教师指令。
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Wpływ metody nauczania CGFU-PM515 na motywację i aktywność fizyczną uczniów szkoły podstawowej

Muhammad Wahyu Arga, Siswantoyo, Yudanto, Widha Srianto, Susanto

Muhammad Wahyu Arga, Siswantoyo, Yudanto, Widha Srianto, Susanto – The effect of the CGFU-PM515 learning method on the motivation and physical activity of elementary school students. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(3); 166-172

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG143XT7

Wprowadzenie. Wzrost motywacji uczniów koreluje bezpośrednio z ich aktywnym zachowaniem. Motywacja nie tylko zwiększa aktywne uczestnictwo, ale także sprzyja ich fizycznemu rozwojowi uczniów na lekcjach wychowania fizycznego.
Cel. Celem tego badania było zbadanie wpływu koncepcji Coaching Game For Upgrading Performance Model 515 (CGFU-PM515) na motywację uczniów podczas lekcji wychowania fizycznego w szkołach podstawowych.
Metody. Badanie zastosowało nielosowe doświadczenie eksperymentalne z jedną grupą przed i po teście. W badaniu wzięło udział 75 uczniów szkoły podstawowej. Procedura badawcza polegała na przeprowadzeniu lekcji zarówno bez jak i z zastosowaniem koncepcji CGFU-PM515. Po lekcjach uczniowie otrzymali kwestionariusz CMEF dotyczący podstawowego wychowania fizycznego, aby ocenić ich poziom motywacji przed i po wprowadzeniu koncepcji CGFU-PM515.
Wyniki. Wyniki wskazują, że motywacja uczniów poprawiła się po wdrożeniu metody CGFU-PM515. Analiza wyników N-Gain wykazała wartość 0,73, co interpretuje się jako wysoką. Dodatkowo przeprowadzono test Wilcoxona. Wyniki tego testu wykazały znaczący wzrost motywacji wśród 75 uczestniczących uczniów.
Wnioski. Badanie wykazuje, że podejście CGFU-PM515 ma pozytywny wpływ na motywację uczniów na lekcjach wychowania fizycznego w szkole podstawowej.

Słowa kluczowe
CGFU-PM515, motywacja, aktywność fizyczna, szkoła podstawowa

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Circuit game development mawashigeri based on CGFU-PM 515 for children aged 10-12 years in karate sports

Widha Srianto, Siswantoyo, Rumpis Agus Sudarko, Muhammad Wahyu Arga, Yuyun Farida, Susanto


Widha Srianto, Siswantoyo, Rumpis Agus Sudarko, Muhammad Wahyu Arga, Yuyun Farida, Susanto – Circuit game development mawashigeri based on CGFU-PM 515 for children aged 10-12 years in karate sports. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(2); 42-46

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG0DF3B7


Purpose Study. Understanding of basic movements is often a major problem in the field, so there is a need for guidance from an early age on basic movements or correct basic techniques for children. The lack of a game-based training model to make children easily bored so that it has an impact on the quality of technique when they become professional athletes. The purpose of this study was to produce a mawashigeri circuit game training model based on CGFU-PM 515 for children aged 10-12 years in karate. Methods: The research design used in this research is research and development (RnD). The procedure used uses a 4 D model which consists of define, design, development, and dissemination. Data analysis technique uses the V-Aiken formulation. Results. Based on the validation test, data were generated 1) conformity to the actual technique has a high level of validity with a score of 0.96, 2) critical points have a high level of validity with a score of 0.91, 3) encouraging curiosity has a high level of validity with a score of 0, 93. Based on the practicality assessment, an index of 98% was obtained in the very practical category, that the model developed was easy to do, fun, easy to understand, and could train mawashigeri techniques.
Conclusions. In this study, it was concluded that the product in the form of a mawashigeri circuit games model based on CGFU-PM 515 for children aged 10-12 years, the sport of karate has a high level of validation and practicality value in the very practical category. The product developed consists of 5 stations, namely station 1 for lightning kicks, station 2 for flying bottles, station 3 for crossing mountains, station 4 for delivering boxes, station 5 for flying cones.
Key words: CGFU-PM 515, circuit game, karate, mawashigeri
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The relationship balance of hand grip strength and body balance to archery ability

Heru Prasetyo, Siswantoyo, Yudik Prasetyo, Susanto

Heru Prasetyo, Siswantoyo, Yudik Prasetyo, Susanto – The relationship balance of hand grip strength and body balance to archery ability. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(1); 60-67

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG07B284


Introduction. Archery is a static sport that requires good physical strength. This physical strength can affect the achievement of an archery athlete. Physical strength includes hand grip strength and body balance. One way to measure grip strength is to use a handgrip dynamometer. Meanwhile, to measure the balance of the body can use the stock body balance test. Then the sample did a test shooting of 36 arrows with a shooting range of 15 meters. Purpose. this study was to determine the relationship between hand grip strength and body balance with the ability to shoot archery at a distance of 15 meters. Methods. This research is a descriptive-analytic study with a cross-sectional design. The research was conducted at the Archery Training Center, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia. The population sample is 60 people aged 12-13 years consisting of 34 boys and 26 girls. The data obtained was then tested for Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regression correlation tests using the Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) application version 26. Results. The SPSS analysis test showed that there was a significant relationship between grip strength and archery skills at a distance of 15 meters with a significance value of p = 0.000 (p < 0.05) with a correlation coefficient of 0.446. Body balance is also related to archery skills at a distance of 15 meters with a significance value of p = 0.043 (p < 0.05) with a correlation coefficient of 0.262. Meanwhile, in the multiple correlation test, the results obtained were p = 0.001 (p < 0.05) with a correlation coefficient of 0.480. Conclusion. Based on the results and discussion above, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between hand grip strength, body balance, and archery skills at a distance of 15 meters in junior archery athletes in Sleman Indonesia.

Słowa kluczowe:
strength, grip, balance, archery

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Lung Vital Capacity Levels on disability in Swimming Learning

Susanto, Siswantoyo, Sumaryanto, Adi Wijayanto

Susanto, Siswantoyo, Sumaryanto, Adi Wijayanto – Lung Vital Capacity Levels on disability in Swimming Learning. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(5); 122-126


This study discusses how the vital lung capacity of disabled students can be achieved in swimming learning at the Yakkum rehabilitation center. The purpose of this study is to find a real picture of the vital lung capacity level of students with disabilities in learning to swim at the Yakkum rehabilitation center. The research method uses descriptive quantitative research methods. The population used in this study were students with disabilities in learning to swim for 2 years. This study used the entire population as a sample of 50 students, consisting of 25 men and 25 women. This type of research is a descriptive study, with one research variable, namely vital lung capacity. The research instrument for collecting data is a spirometer. To analyze the data collected the researchers used quantitative descriptive analysis techniques with percentages and SPSS 12 statistical assistance. The results showed that the vital lung capacity of students with disabilities in swimming learning was 42% very good, 22% good, 20% enough and less categories 16%. Thus, students with disabilities in swimming lessons have the same vital lung capacity as the average vital lung capacity in normal people in general.

Key words:
vital lung capacity, students with physical disabilities, swimming learning
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