Fizjoterapia u chorych po zawale serca
{:pl}Zawał mięśnia sercowego stanowi poważny problem społeczny i zdrowotny współczesnej cywilizacji. Szczególne miejsce w terapii tych chorych zajmuje rehabilitacja kardiologiczna.{:}{:en}Myocardial infarction is a serious social and health problem of modern society. Cardiac rehabilitation is a very important part of management in this group of patients.{:}{:zh}心机梗死为现代文明的一项严重社会和健康问题,心脏康复在这些患者的治疗中占有重要位置。{:}{:ru}Myocardial infarction is a serious social and health problem of modern society. Cardiac rehabilitation is a
{:pl}Purpose. To determine the effect of laser puncture on arterial blood gases for mechanically ventilated patients. Design. Single blind randomized controlled trial.{:}{:en}Purpose. To determine the effect of laser puncture on arterial blood gases for mechanically ventilated patients. Design. Single blind randomized controlled trial.{:}{:zh}目的。确认激光穿刺对机械换气病患动脉血气的影响。设计。单盲随机对照试验。{:}{:ru}Purpose. To determine the effect of laser puncture on arterial blood gases for mechanically ventilated patients. Design. Single
Kompleksowa terapia udrażniająca w leczeniu obrzęku limfatycznego u kobiet po mastektomii
{:pl}Rak piersi jest jednym z najgroźniejszych nowotworów złośliwych, a zachorowalność na tę chorobę wciąż wykazuje tendencję wzrostową. W wyniku leczenia i związanego z tym usunięcia bądź naruszenia struktury węzłów chłonnych częstym powikłaniem jest obrzęk limfatyczny.{:}{:en}Breast cancer is one of the most dangerous malignancies tumor, and the incidence of this disease is still growing. As a result of treatment and related
Effect of Laser Acupuncture on Immunological Factors in Breast Milk: A Randomized Clinical Trial
{:pl}Breast feeding maintains the maternal foetus link and it is a significant contributory additional defensive factor to the immunity system of the neonate. Acupuncture enhances the release of specific neurotransmitters, specially opioids, in the CNS and stimulates parasympathetic or sympathetic nervous systems, hence elicits an intensive effect on immune system modulation.{:}{:en}Breast feeding maintains the maternal foetus link and it is
{:pl}Cel pracy. Porównanie funkcji ręki u chorych z ZKN (Zespół Kanału Nadgarstka) leczonych operacyjnie, u których rehabilitacja była stosowana wyłącznie przed, przed i po lub wyłącznie po zabiegu chirurgicznym.{:}{:en}The purpose of this study is to compare the function of the hand in patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) who having undergone prior surgical treatment in whom physiotherapeutic intervention was used
Acute aerobic Exercise Induced Irisin Release in Type 2 Diabetic patients: Randomized Clinical Trial
{:pl}Type 2 diabetic subjects have lower irisin level, irisin discovery has provides a modern track for energy homeostasis and opens a chance for development of curative components to manage metabolic disorders.{:}{:en}Type 2 diabetic subjects have lower irisin level, irisin discovery has provides a modern track for energy homeostasis and opens a chance for development of curative components to manage metabolic
Wpływ środowiska, wieku, płci, wysokości i masy ciała na wielkość cech zespołu miednica – kręgosłup
{:pl}Celem badań była analiza wpływu środowiska, wieku, płci, wysokości i masy ciała na wybrane wielkości cech opisujących zespół miednica – kręgosłup.{:}{:en}The objective of the study was to analyze the impact of the environment, age, gender, height and weight on selected values of features describing the spinal-pelvic syndrome.{:}{:zh}研究目的在分析环境、年龄、性别、身高和体重对骨盆脊柱综合症中选定大小的描述特征的影响。{:}{:ru}The objective of the study was to analyze the impact of the environment, age,
{:pl}The treatment of scars caused by burn is a difficult challenge in developing countries that includes enormous treatment cost. Burn scars tend to get worse with hypertrophy and contracture, leading to limitations of function.{:}{:en}The treatment of scars caused by burn is a difficult challenge in developing countries that includes enormous treatment cost. Burn scars tend to get worse with hypertrophy
{:pl}Dolegliwości bólowe kręgosłupa stały się problemem społecznym. Wśród licznych czynników wywołujących ból najczęściej wymieniane są: anomalie wrodzone, zmiany zwyrodnieniowe, stany zapalne, choroby nowotworowe, urazy, bóle przeciążeniowe, zaburzenia metaboliczne, problemy psychologiczne, problemy socjalne. W leczeniu bólu kręgosłupa najczęściej stosuje się kinezyterapię, fizykoterapię leczenie farmakologiczne.{:}{:en}Spinal pain syndromes have become a social problem. Among the many factors causing pain, the most frequently mentioned
{:pl}Purpose. Comparison of the effect of either physiotherapy or injection of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on management of lateral epicondylar tendinopathy (LET) chronicity.{:}{:en}Purpose. Comparison of the effect of either physiotherapy or injection of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on management of lateral epicondylar tendinopathy (LET) chronicity.{:}{:zh}目的。比较理疗或富含血小板血浆注射(PRP)对慢性外侧上髁肌腱炎(LET)治疗的效果。{:}{:ru}Purpose. Comparison of the effect of either physiotherapy or injection of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on management of lateral
{:pl}The objective of this article is to present the functioning of a child with a recognized dimorphic syndrome conditioned by a heterozygous mutation in the ZMIZ1 gene, against which multi-profile rehabilitation has been implemented since the early stages of development.{:}{:en}The objective of this article is to present the functioning of a child with a recognized dimorphic syndrome conditioned by a
{:pl}Menopause causes reduction in bone strength. Wearing shoes with different heights in old women, affecting their performance while they're working either in erect position or in 90˚ trunk flexion or complete trunk flexion.{:}{:en}Menopause causes reduction in bone strength. Wearing shoes with different heights in old women, affecting their performance while they're working either in erect position or in 90˚ trunk
{:pl}Prawidłowa ocena funkcjonowania oraz określenie potrzeb zdrowotnych seniora przy użyciu wystandaryzowanych skali i kwestionariuszy jest niezbędna do ustalenia jego zdolności do samodzielnej egzystencji oraz do określenia zakresu ingerencji leczniczej i koniecznej opieki.{:}{:en}The correct assessment of functioning and determination of the health needs of the senior using standardized scales and questionnaires is necessary to determine his ability to live independently and
{:pl}In obstetric practice, advanced maternal age such as in case of elderly primigravida is known to be associated with adverse maternal and fetal outcomes. Obesity is a commonly occurring risk factor with advancing maternal age. Exercise in pregnancy could prevent and limit adverse maternal and fetal morbidities. Further research was warranted to study the effect of exercise in this high
{:pl}W dobie współczesnej cywilizacji dolegliwości kręgosłupa stanowią problem medyczny i społeczny. Mnogość zespołów bólowych, ich nawracający charakter i stałość bólu w przypadkach przewlekłych skłania do poszukiwania skutecznych metod diagnostycznych i terapeutycznych. {:}{:en}Back problems become a medical and social problem in the era of modern civilization. Wide variety of pain syndromes, their recurrent character and persisting pain in chronic cases prompts
{:pl}Thyroid cancer is the most common type of cancer in the endocrine system. Thyroidectomy has potential complications. Shoulder dysfunction is the most reported physical complication following neck dissection surgery post thyroidectomy. Various treatment is utilized to diminish or counteract shoulder distortion.{:}{:en}Thyroid cancer is the most common type of cancer in the endocrine system. Thyroidectomy has potential complications. Shoulder dysfunction is
{:pl}Celem pracy było dokonanie oceny efektywności ćwiczeń głębokich mięśni tułowia oraz ich wpływu na pacjentów z zespołem bólowym lędźwiowego odcinka kręgosłupa.{:}{:en}The goal of the below work was to estimate the effectiveness of deep torso muscles exercises and its influence on the low back pain syndrome.{:}{:zh}此项研究的目的在评估深部躯干肌肉练习的有效性及其对腰椎疼痛综合征患者的影响。{:}{:ru}The goal of the below work was to estimate the effectiveness of deep torso muscles exercises
{:pl}Hypertrophic scar (HTS) is one of the common post-burn complications that lead to functional and cosmetic impairments, so we pursued to examine efficacy of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) on HTS in expression of improving scar thickness and appearance.{:}{:en}Hypertrophic scar (HTS) is one of the common post-burn complications that lead to functional and cosmetic impairments, so we pursued to examine
{:pl}Badanie miało na celu określenie wpływu intensywnej, wspieranej komputerowo rehabilitacji zaburzeń mowy na poprawę umiejętności nazywania wśród pacjentów z poudarową afazją.{:}{:en}The objective of the study was to determine the impact of intensive, computer-assisted rehabilitation of speech disorders on improving naming skills among post-stroke aphasia patients.{:}{:zh}此项研究的目的在确定强化的计算机辅助语言障碍康复治疗对中风后失语症患者命名能力改善的影响。{:}{:ru}The objective of the study was to determine the impact of intensive, computer-assisted rehabilitation of speech
{:pl}To determine the effect of functional trunk training on gait harmony in children with spastic diplegic CP by using the core stability and gait training program through strengthen the core area and the modified walker tool.{:}{:en}To determine the effect of functional trunk training on gait harmony in children with spastic diplegic CP by using the core stability and gait training