Wpływ niedokrwistości na poziom zmęczenia i saturację u kobiet z niedokrwistością w okresie menopauzy

Ashraf Gamal Mashali, Amel Mohamed Yousef, Fahima Metwali Okaiel, Amir Arabi Gabr

Ashraf Gamal Mashali, Amel Mohamed Yousef, Fahima Metwali Okaiel, Amir Arabi Gabr – Effect of Anemia on Fatigue and Oxygen Saturation levels in Menopausal Anemic Women. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(2); 184-189

Informacje wprowadzające. Zmniejszona liczba czerwonych krwinek i hemoglobiny definiowana jako anemia, która obniża zdolność krwi do dostarczania tlenu do wszystkich tkanek ciała. Niedokrwistość prowadzi do zmęczenia i duszności wysiłkowej, co może zmniejszyć zdolność pacjenta do wykonywania normalnych codziennych czynności życiowych. Z wiekiem wzrasta agregacja płytek krwi i czerwonych krwinek, co zmniejsza dopływ tlenu do tkanek poprzez zwiększenie lepkości przepływu krwi w mikrokrążeniu. Cel. Celem tego badania jest określenie wpływu niedokrwistości na poziom zmęczenia i saturację u kobiet z niedokrwistością w okresie menopauzy. Metoda. Projekt kontrolnego badania obserwacyjnego, próba okolicznościowa. 50 kobiet w okresie menopauzy, w wieku od 45 do 55 lat, podzielono na dwie grupy (A i B). Grupa A składała się z 25 kobiet bez anemii, podczas gdy grupa B składała się z 25 kobiet z anemią. Wszystkie uczestniczki były oceniane za pomocą 6MWT pod kątem wytrzymałości, skali BS dla wysiłku, FSS dla zmęczenia i PULSOMETRU pod kątem saturacji. Wyniki. Analiza statystyczna wykazała, że nastąpił istotny spadek (p < 0,05) wytrzymałości i saturacji w grupie (B) w porównaniu z grupą (A), a także istotny wzrost (p < 0,05) poziomu zmęczenia i poziomu obciążenia grupy (B) w porównaniu z grupą (A). Wnioski: Kobiety po menopauzie z niedokrwistością odczuwają wyższy poziom zmęczenia i obciążenia oraz mają mniejszą wytrzymałość i saturację niż kobiety bez anemii w okresie menopauzy.
Słowa kluczowe:
anemia, zmęczenie, menopauza
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Impact of Electronic Balance Training on Postural Instability in Postmenopausal Women: a Randomized Controlled Trail

Reham Ebrahim Mohammed, Hamada Ahmed Hamada, Amel Mohamed Yousef, Khadega Sayed Abdul Aziz, Ghada Mohamed Koura, Rafik Radwan

Reham Ebrahim Mohammed, Hamada Ahmed Hamada, Amel Mohamed Yousef, Khadega Sayed Abdul Aziz, Ghada Mohamed Koura, Rafik Radwan – Impact of Electronic Balance Training on Postural Instability in Postmenopausal Women: a Randomized Controlled Trail. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(3); 100-105

Purpose. Determination of Electronic Balance Board effect on Balance in Women in their postmenopausal period was the aim of this study. Subjects and Methods. Our study design was a randomized, single blind controlled trial. A total of 40 sedentary, medically stable women in their postmenopausal stage complained of poor life quality. The range of the participated women ranged between 50 to 65 years that were randomly allocated into 2 equal number groups: group (A), that participate in the electronic balance board training program in addition to balance rehabilitation program and aerobic exercise, and group (B), which received balance rehabilitation program and aerobic exercise. Each group received 3 sessions weekly for one month. The stability index, AP index and ML index was recorded before and after the intervention. Results. There were a significant reduction in overall stability index, AP index and ML index in group A in compared to group B at the stage of post treatment. Conclusion. A program of four weeks’ electronic balance board besides balance rehabilitation program and aerobic exercise yield improvement in the balance of the Biodex Balance System than a balance rehabilitation program alone in treating problems of postmenopausal balance.

Key words:
Balance, Electronic balance, Aerobic exercises, Menopause

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Wpływ akupunktury laserowej na gęstość mineralną kręgów lędźwiowych i ból pleców u kobiet po menopauzie z osteoporozą: randomizowane badanie kontrolowane

Elham Shahat Hassan, Salwa Mostafa EL-Badry, Amel Mohamed Yousef, Hamada Ahmed Hamda, Mohamed Hassan Mostafa

Elham Shahat Hassan, Salwa Mostafa EL-Badry, Amel Mohamed Yousef, Hamada Ahmed Hamda, Mohamed Hassan Mostafa – Effect of laser acupuncture on lumbar bone mineral density and back pain in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(2); 116-121

Purpose. To determine the effect of laser acupuncture on lumbar bone mineral density (BMD) and back pain in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis.
Methods. Forty postmenopausal osteoporotic women, aged 55-75 years, were randomized into 2 equal groups. Group (A) received calcium and vitamin D3 supplement for 12 weeks, while group (B) received the same calcium and vitamin D3 supplement in addition to laser acupuncture therapy for 12 weeks. The T-score of lumbar BMD was evaluated by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) and the back pain level was assessed by Quality of Life Questionnaire of the European Foundation for Osteoporosis (QUALEFFO-41) before and after treatment.
Results. There were a highly significant improvement in lumbar BMD and a highly significant reduction in back pain level within both groups (p = 0.0001). Comparing both groups post-treatment showed that there was a highly significant improvement in lumbar BMD (p = 0.0001) while there was a highly significant reduction in back pain level (p = 0.001) in favor of group (B).
Conclusion. Laser acupuncture is an effective modality in improving lumbar BMD and reducing back pain in osteoporotic postmenopausal women.

Key words:
Postmenopausal osteoporosis, back pain, laser acupuncture, calcium, vitamin D3 supplement

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Wpływ lasera na wytrzymałość dna miednicy i satysfakcję seksualną u kobiet skarżących się na rozluźnienie pochwy: randomizowana próba kontrolowana

Sara Magdy Ahmed, Heba Gamal Kotb, Amel Mohamed Yousef, Hamada Ahmed Hamada Ahmed

Sara Magdy Ahmed, Heba Gamal Kotb, Amel Mohamed Yousef, Hamada Ahmed Hamada Ahmed – Effect of laser on pelvic floor strength and sexual satisfaction in women complaining of vaginal looseness: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(2); 88-93

Purpose. To determine the effect of erbium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Er:YAG) laser on pelvic floor strength as well as sexual satisfaction in women complaining of vaginal looseness.
Design. A single blind randomized controlled trial.
Methods. Thirty women complaining of vaginal looseness with a decrease in pelvic floor strength and sexual satisfaction, aged 40-50 years, were randomized into 2 equal groups. Group (A) received pelvic floor training exercise (kegel exercise) for 8 weeks, while group (B) received Er:YAG LASER in addition to kegel exercise for 8 weeks. All women in both groups were evaluated before starting the study, after 4 weeks and after 8 weeks of the treatment with Peritron device to assess pelvic floor strength and with Millheiser sexual satisfaction scale to assess sexual satisfaction.
Results. There was a highly significant increase in pelvic floor strength and sexual satisfaction at post 8 weeks and post 4 weeks of treatment, in favor of group (B) (P = 0.0001).
Conclusion. Pelvic floor training exercise (kegel) plus Er:YAG laser yield improvement in pelvic floor strength and sexual satisfaction in women complaining of vaginal looseness more than pelvic floor training exercise (kegel) alone.

Key words:
Er:YAG laser, pelvic floor strength, sexual satisfaction, vaginal looseness

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