Wpływ kriolipolizy w porównaniu z czterobiegunową radiofrekwencją na wiotkość skóry brzucha u kobiet po porodzie: randomizowane badanie kontrolowane

Hala Mohamed Emara, Hend A. Saad Ata, Hossam El Din Hussein Kamel

Hala Mohamed Emara, Hend A. Saad Ata, Hossam El Din Hussein Kamel – Effect of Cryolipolysis Versus Quadri-polar Radiofrequency on Abdominal Skin Laxity in Post Natal women: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(4); 198-202


Cel. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone w celu zbadania wpływu kriolipolizy i czterobiegunowej radiofrekwencji na kobiety po porodzie z wiotkością skóry brzucha. Materiały i metody. Czterdzieści kobiet po porodzie skarżyło się na wiotkość skóry brzucha po urodzeniu; kobiety zostały wybrane losowo ze szpitala uniwersyteckiego El Kasre El Ainy w Kairze. Zostały podzielone na dwie równe grupy: grupa (A) (n = 20) i grupa (B) (n = 20); grupa A została poddana ośmiu sesjom kriolipolizy przez 8 tygodni (1 sesja tygodniowo na okolice brzucha), czas trwania każdej sesji 20 minut; podczas gdy grupa (B) była poddawana nieinwazyjnej czterobiegunowej radiofrekwencji przez okres 8 tygodni (1 sesja tygodniowo na okolice brzucha), czas trwania każdej sesji 20 minut. Do oceny całościowej zastosowano pomiary BMI (kg/m2), obwodu talii i bioder, a do oceny wiotkości skóry przed i po interwencji zastosowano dwupunktową dyskryminację i ocenę fotograficzną. Wyniki. Wystąpiło istotne zmniejszenie (p <0,05) BMI, obwodu talii i bioder, oraz w zakresie dwupunktowej dyskryminacji w obu grupach w stanie po leczeniu w porównaniu ze stanem przed leczeniem. Wystąpiła również istotna różnica w dwupunktowej dyskryminacji między obiema grupami na korzyść grupy B. Również w obu grupach nastąpiła znacząca poprawa w ocenie fotograficznej w porównaniu ze stanem przed leczeniem (p <0,05) i istotna poprawa rozkładu w ocenie fotograficznej na korzyść grupy B w porównaniu z grupą A po leczeniu (p <0,05). Wniosek. Czterobiegunowa radiofrekwencja przynosi większą poprawę niż kriolipoliza w leczeniu kobiet po porodzie z wiotkością skóry brzucha.

Słowa kluczowe:
stan po porodzie, wiotkość skóry, kriolipoliza, radiofrekwencja
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Effect of Acupuncture and diet modification on amenorrhea in female athlete triad: A single blind Randomized Controlled Trial

Hala Mohamed Emara, Azza Barmoud Kassab, Amr Hazim Abbassy, Hend Reda Sakr

Hala Mohamed Emara, Azza Barmoud Kassab, Amr Hazim Abbassy, Hend Reda Sakr – Effect of Acupuncture and diet modification on amenorrhea in female athlete triad: A single blind Randomized Controlled Trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(3); 62-67

Purpose. Determination of the effect of acupuncture and diet modification using soy products on amenorrhea in female athlete triad.
Methods. Sixty female athletes were selected from Sports Medicine Specialized Center in Nasr City. The range of their ages is from 17 to 25 years, and the index of their body mass < 20 Kg/m2, they were all gymnastics players. They were randomly allocated into three equal number groups, Group A: Twenty patients undergone sessions of acupuncture 30 minutes, 3 times weekly for 12 weeks. Group B: Twenty patients took soy diet from organic origin (phytoestrogen) daily for twelve weeks as 100 milliliter soy milk and 100-gram soy bean. Group C: Twenty patients received both acupuncture therapy and soy in diet for twelve weeks. Assessment of all participants prior and after the treatment program through hormonal analysis was done to show the levels of Estradiol 2 (E2), FSH and LH for the three groups.
Results. The statistical analysis revealed E2, FSH & LH showed a significant increase post treatment in Group C rather than Group B.
Conclusion. Acupuncture and phytoestrogen as soy products seems to be a successful, safe, and effective alternative manner to treat amenorrhea in female athlete triad.

Key words:
Acupuncture, soy products, phytoestrogen, amenorrhea, female athlete triad

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Effect of Visceral Decongestion of True Pelvis on Primary Dysmenorrhea

Atef Mohamed Atef, Hala Mohamed Emara, Hossam El Din Hussein Kamel

Atef Mohamed Atef, Hala Mohamed Emara, Hossam El Din Hussein Kamel – Effect of Visceral Decongestion of True Pelvis on Primary Dysmenorrhea. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(3); 46-52

Background. Primary dysmenorrhea has a profound psychosocial impact not only on girls but also on their families as it has an effect on their performance of the daily living activities and decreases their ability to maintain an independent life style.
Purpose. This study was conducted to detect the effect of visceral decongestion technique of true pelvis on primary dysmenorrhea.
Subjects. Fifty girls with primary dysmenorrhea diagnosed by gynecologist selected randomly from Said Galal University Hospital in Cairo, Al Azhar University participated in this study. Their ages were ranged from 16 to 25 years old and their body mass index was ranged from 18.5 to 25 kg/m2. Girls with gynecological diseases that may cause secondary dysmenorrhea such as; Endometriosis, Adenomyosis, Fibroids, Polybs and Pelvic inflammatory diseases, married or non-virginal girls were excluded from the study. This study was conducted from May 2017 to August 2018. Design. pre and post experimental study. They were divided into two equal groups, group A treated by NSAIDS (Brufen 400 mg), two tablets per day during menstruation only for three months; group B treated by the same medical treatment as in group A in addition to visceral decongestion technique for true pelvis, three sessions per week before the expected day of menstruation by two days till end of the menstruation. All patients received four sessions in one month for three menstrual cycles.
Methods. Visual analogue scale (VAS) and serum cortisol level were used to measure pain intensity and Doppler ultrasound used to measure the vascularity of the uterus for both groups A and B pre-treatment and post-treatment of 1st, 2nd and 3rd menstrual cycle. Results. In group A there was no statistical significant decrease in the mean value of VAS, cortisol level, RI of left and right uterine artery of pre-treatment values of 2nd and 3rd menstrual cycle when compared with its corresponding value of 1st menstrual cycle. While there was significant decrease of post-treatment values of group A, pre and post treatment values of group B. There was significant difference in pre-treatment and post-treatment values of VAS, cortisol level, RI of left and right uterine artery between both groups A and B (more decrease in group B pre-treatment and post-treatment).
Conclusion. Visceral decongestion of true pelvis can be used as a treatment in reducing severity of pain, reducing serum cortisol level and increasing blood supply to the uterus in primary dysmenorrhea.

Key words:
Visceral decongestion, True pelvis, Primary dysmenorrhea

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